HiddenBitcoin: High level C# Bitcoin Wallet Library - Monitor Your Wallet (Part 2 - Lesson 2)

This guide is an ideal quick start to Bitcoin for C# developers.
By the end of this three part tutorial, you will be able to build a Bitcoin wallet.
Nicolas Dorier, Bitcoin core developer, creator of NBitcoin, the C# Bitcoin library.
He is also the main author of the C# Bitcoin book, what I am co-authoring.
If you are familiar with NBitcoin, you can find a deeper level version of this tutorial as a case study in the C# Bitcoin book.
C# Copy CodeNetwork network = Network.TestNet; Safe safe = Safe.Create( out mnemonic, " password" , " Hidden.wallet" , network);Or load it if it's already created:C# Copy CodeSafe safe = Safe.Load( " password" , walletFilePath);2.
C# Copy CodeConsole.WriteLine(safeMonitor.Safe.GetAddress( 0 )); Console.WriteLine(safeMonitor.Safe.GetAddress( 10 )); Console.WriteLine(safeMonitor.Safe.GetAddress( 999 ));4.

Read the full article at www.codeproject.com

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